
 Twenty-three thousand Americans died while surrounded by the German 26th Volksgrenadier. For six weeks and at temperatures below freezing, the soldiers held their ground.  A combined-arms-force of airborne infantry, armor, engineers, tank destroyers, and artillery conducted a successful defense of the Belgian crossroads town of Bastogne in late December of 1944

I heard an old soldier who had been there say, “Every time life would throw something hard my way, I would say to myself, ‘At least you are not in Bastogne.’”

Every believer facing life’s challenges, which can be taxing, can always say, “At least I’m saved.”

Ephesians 2:8 

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

Believers, no matter what happens, we make it and we should never forget the assurances given us in His Word.

Give it some thought.


Posted in Devotional.

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